Calculation Functions

Hi @kai,
A few options at your disposal.

  1. Can it be done as an calculated measure in the DB designer?
    This is mine:
  2. Can you use custom mode to produce the same output?
    Like this:
  3. What if I need to calc on a number that changes?
    This is the use case where static calcs like the above are not acceptable, so you are after if the value is over 50 then do this, else do that. This can be achieved in custom mode by a means of SQL commands. I must stress the case statement approach here will only deal with the numerical result for inspection, i.e. the case will not work on the dimension name so case = ‘Fred’ will NOT work but Case > 50 WILL work. here is a detailed write up I did a year or so ago: Percentage share in Custom Mode
    Hope this helps,