Create Custom Days Past Due column and/or Modify Aging Bucket

I hope there is another Credit Manager (Someone) out there who has found a way to modify the aging buckets OR create a “days past due” by using “todays date” - “due date” in Transaction mode.

Both of the ERPs our comany uses have the ability to see this smaller bucket which is a warning to our reps that the customer’s next order will be blocked and I have asked IT to ask Phocas bout this for months. Could someone put me out of my misery if this is even possible?

Many Thanks,
Mary Beth

I don’t have the standard AR database and instead built my own aged debt report using the date ranges like this:



I presume you have a specific stop day, so if the customer is x days past due date they will go on hold.

In this instance, I’ve set the date range to as long as I can to include all transactions and created two columns, one is “Overdue” - all transactions due more than x days before today (the stop day), the other being “Due” - all transactions not yet old enough to result in the account being on stop.


If an account has a balance in the Overdue column they risk being on stop.

We can filter this to only show those potentially on stop by right clicking on the column and adding a filter for where value is Greater than 0.


Thank you for the reply, Stuart. I will see what I can do with this. :slight_smile:

I realised I applied the filter to the wrong column but hopefully you get the idea.

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Is that a new feature adding column filters?

I don’t recall seeing that before, its clearly just an easier way to doing advanced filters, but still really cool :slight_smile:

No right clicking and filtering has always been there, just a shortcut to add an advanced filter

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I knew you could do it within the table, didn’t know it worked on the headers.

Thanks for the tip!

@mbe Just to give you another option, we’ve done something similar to the “days past due”. We wanted to have a report showing new customers for the past 90 days. We had a “Created Date” property already, and you could filter a report on that field, but you had to specify a specific date for the filter. So you would have to constantly change this date. So in the DB designer, we added an expression, “DaysSinceCreated”, with the formula of “DATEDIFF(d, [CreatedDate], GETDATE())”. Then added this new field as a property. Now we can filter the report on DaysSinceCreated < 90.

More food for thought.


Great idea. I will definitely check this out. Thank you.