Plan by working days vs sales

This is my current view which should cover all options.

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Unfortunately we’ve tried to implement this and it failed miserably! We’ve had to revert to Phocas building a daily budget for us. I’m hoping that we can find a way round out in future as we really need a reliable period days feature for working days to do forecasting.

Just an update on this since I’ve seen some recent activity regarding this topic in other threads. The screenshot below shows the format of the budget file used for a daily budget load. This worked well for us, but was a pain, of course, to create (80k rows). We have about 40 branches, 10 categories, and 250-something working days. The load, however, was successful and now we’re just playing with period summaries to get the output we’re after. The budget we loaded was by Warehouse by Master Category by Day. I used the date grid further up in the thread to create the budget file.

P.S. The budget values were adjusted to $0 for purposes of the example.

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I’m guessing since the last comment in this thread is 2.5 years old, Phocas has decided coming up with a workable solution for Working Days for their customers is not important. Like others, I’d like to be able to count working days in any particular month, so we can say (as an example), through Mar 21, we are 65% through the month (based on 23 working days in the month). I tried to create a stream with each day marked as a 1 (working day) or 0 (non working day), but it won’t map properly. It’s frustrating that Phocas has decided to punt on addressing this need for its customers.


You can calculate the number of working days elapsed in custom mode with this script
You need to know your master database name and the Calendar ID number of your working day calendar (the number in the search bar address not the ID beside it in the list)

Days Elapsed

^(SELECT cast(Sum(Value) as numeric(5,3)) FROM [YOURMASTERDBNAME_Master].[dbo].[WorkingDay] where CalendarID = 2 and year(dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate())) = year(day) and month(dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate())) = month(day) and day < dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate()))

You could then create a rough forecast to the end of the month where {a} is your month to date sales measure.

^(select (SELECT cast(Sum(Value) as numeric(5,3)) FROM [YOURMASTERDBNAME_Master].[dbo].[WorkingDay] where CalendarID = 2 and year(dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate())) = year(day) and month(dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate())) = month(day)) / (SELECT cast(Sum(Value) as numeric(5,3)) FROM [YOURMASTERDBNAME_Master].[dbo].[WorkingDay] where CalendarID = 2 and year(dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate())) = year(day) and month(dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate())) = month(day) and day < dateadd(dd,-1,Getdate())))*{a}

Hope that helps

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This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the community. People have always been helpful here.

@CarlJ Do you know when this was added to your system? I’m having issues with Support trying to get a hold of the master database name. I’m being told it’s ‘legacy’… I’ve worked out how far through the working month I am by using MTD/Daily Avg but I need to work out how many days there are in the working month to work out a projection.

Hi, I’m not sure when this became available sorry. I started working at Phocas in Jan so I could have a look into it for you. If we host your site then I can see it. Feel free to email me on and I’ll see if I can help

Hi jmills

I’m not sure if this would help or not, but I utilize a function in custom mode called {period_days}. It allows me to take MTD actuals and extend to the number of working/selling days in the month. The calculation takes the daily average sales and extends by my selling day calendar, in this case 21 days. I don’t have to touch the calculation.