But the thing is, it doesn’t take into account holidays. The weekends are rather easy to handle automatically, so any revenue in weekends (negative, 0 or positive figures) are moved to Fridays. And this works like a charm… But the business wanna have it so either all weekends+holidays are included, or just having shown the last day with a revenue different from 0.
FYI I used this Custom Actions script - which generates daily periods (minus weekends) for the next 36 months (credit to Phocas for creating most of it!):
Declare @startdate date
Declare @enddate date
Set @startdate = ‘01/01/2020’
Set @enddate = dateadd(mm, 36, getdate())
[Name] varchar(255),
[StartDate] Datetime,
[EndDate] Datetime,
[Year] varchar(255),
[FirstDayofMonth] varchar(255),
[LastDayofMonth] varchar(255),
[StartDayName] varchar(255),
[EndDayName] varchar(255),
[NewStartDate] Datetime,
[NewEndDate] Datetime
–select * from [DATE_TradingDate];
–IF OBJECT_ID(‘DATE_TradingDate’) IS NULL SELECT ‘’ [Name], ‘’ [StartDate], ‘’ [EndDate], ‘’ [Year], ‘’ [FirstDayofMonth], ‘’ [LastDayofMonth], ‘’ [StartDayName], ‘’ [EndDayName], ‘’ [NewStartDate], ‘’ [NewEndDate] INTO [DATE_TradingDate]
–IF OBJECT_ID(‘DATE_TradingDate’) IS NOT NULL Truncate table [DATE_TradingDate]
WHILE (@startdate <= @enddate)
Insert into [DATE_TradingDate] (
,[Year] )
SELECT Convert(varchar(10),CONVERT(date, @startdate,103),103) as [Name]
,@startdate as [StartDate]
,@startdate as [EndDate]
,year(@startdate) as [Year]
SET @startdate = dateadd(dd, 1, @startdate)
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [FirstDayofMonth] = IIF([StartDate] = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, [StartDate]), 0), 1, 0)
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [LastDayofMonth] = IIF([EndDate] = EOMONTH([EndDate]), 1, 0)
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [StartDayName] = DATENAME(dw, [StartDate])
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [EndDayName] = DATENAME(dw, [EndDate])
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [NewStartDate] = case when StartDayName in (‘Monday’) and day(startdate) = 3 then dateadd(dd, -2, [startdate])
when StartDayName in (‘Monday’) and day(startdate) = 2 then dateadd(dd, -2, [startdate])
when StartDayName in (‘Monday’) and day(startdate) = 1 then dateadd(dd, -1, [startdate]) end
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [NewEndDate] = case when EndDayName = ‘Friday’ and (startdate) = dateadd(dd,-2, eomonth(startdate)) then dateadd(dd, 1, [EndDate])
when EndDayName = ‘Friday’ and (startdate) = dateadd(dd,-1, eomonth(startdate)) then dateadd(dd, 0, [EndDate])
when EndDayName = ‘Friday’ and (startdate) = dateadd(dd,-0, eomonth(startdate)) then dateadd(dd, 0, [EndDate])
when EndDayName = ‘Friday’ then dateadd(dd, 2, [EndDate]) end
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [NewStartDate] = isnull([NewStartDate], [StartDate])
update [DATE_TradingDate] set [NewEndDate] = isnull([NewEndDate],[EndDate])
Delete from [DATE_TradingDate] where [StartDayName] in (‘Saturday’,‘Sunday’)
select * from [DATE_TradingDate];
And then I created a Sync View Item (requires phocas-user access I think…) that just took the content from the [DATE_TradingDate]-table.
This Item was then used as input to a Period Type.