We need to be able to define multiple sorting on the widgets. Currently there is no means of sorting across two or more columns. Using shift and click in a lot of other solutions support multiple sorting of columns of data.
Please can this be considered for a future release please?
@StuartH - Was in tips and tricks (July 18) now added it to feature request.
Cheers Jon, hadn’t realised it wasn’t in the suggestion section - cheers for the new topic.
Hi @JonKemp and @StuartH, this is a commonly requested improvement. We are currently planning some improvements to the Phocas grid and this is included. It hasn’t been prioritised yet but it’s on my hit list.
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Ah, here it is - still desperately need this, forcing me to use Excel again just to sort a report 
Would be nice to sort across two columns in a Grid Widget… (bumping this old request).