Hello, does anyone know how to remove the restricted transaction count of 10,000 lines in a download from Phocas.
I’m not looking to do this system wide but just allow one or two user this access.
Hello, does anyone know how to remove the restricted transaction count of 10,000 lines in a download from Phocas.
I’m not looking to do this system wide but just allow one or two user this access.
Hi Graham,
Yes this can be done. There is a need to make you aware that this restriction is there to avoid a number of large queries being run concurrently, which could impact overall speed of the site. That said, an administrator should be able add a setting to each user, with a specific value to apply.
I’ve just written this from memory, so please let me know if this doesn’t work. Again though I have to stress the impact this can have if every user has the ability to run very large queries.
Excellent news, thanks Lee.
I understand the implications and will only add this setting to 1 or 2 trusted users. However it looks like I don’t have access to the user settings tab, even though I’m the Phocas admin at my organisation.
I’ll contact Nejah to see if he’ll allow me access to ‘settings’.
Hello Lee. Thank you for your post! I too need to remove the 10,000 row limit for a specific user and specific database, but am having trouble finding the “Settings tab for a user”. Could you direct me to that? Thanks in advance! Regards, Kelly Sturm