Balance Sheet - Ideas for New Capabilities

Hey all,

Under the Profit and Loss Stream, I really like the ability of comparing various streams and it can be very useful when, for example, you have several companies you want to display next to each other.

For us, this is particularly useful, as we have a subsidiary company in the US (we’re based in Canada) and we can use this functionality to display Company 1, Company 2 (translated to CAD), our Elimination Company, and the Consolidated Company, as in the attached picture.

It would be very useful to be able to do this for the Balance Sheet as well.
Is it possible to add more balance sheet streams?
And/or is it possible to make several measures available under the P&L & Balance Sheet modes?


Hi Kai
Thanks for your post. Balance Sheets (and Cash Flow Statements) will likely support variance streams in the November release of Phocas Financial Statements.

In terms of multiple measures, we have no plans to do this at this stage but I will continue to monitor this to see if other customers want this feature.


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