Breaking Nested Tables

I would like to suggest removing the option of “Nest” next to the “Grid” option when building a Nested Table widget within a dashboard. If you try the “Nest” functionality on one of the three levels within the Nested Table widget, it breaks the widget (makes sense, since you shouldn’t really nest within a nest). I would suggest removing the button to “Nest” altogether while building a Nested Table widget, if possible, to avoid confusion.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

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Just another observation about this Nesting-view when it is initiated from the Dashboard:
It is possible to select data from different Databases for each level, via the top right corner dropdown. This will result in a hard error when previewing or saving data.

Blending data from different Databases, also seems a bit dodgy from my point of view…

Hi @tim.janes & @hakio.
I’ve logged this suggestion in our system. We’ll let this gather interest and see if this can be included in our roadmap.