I imported a custom file with the exact data that I want in a report. Below is a snapshot of the headers. The invoice number may repeat, the ‘Vendor’ is the same down the line (so may not be a dimension).
I’m not really looking to do any manipulations to this report. Just display exactly what is in the text data file import.
I’m having trouble designing this, it is only 86 lines.
A bit late here, and not sure if you figured this out. Could you just map all of those columns as Transactional properties and measures? Then create a Transform column statement to just display “today” or “yesterday” consistently for each line and map that to the Date in the database. If a Dimension is required then you could either create a generic one using a Transform column, or you can just clone your Vendor column or something and map as a Dimension.
On the front end, you could throw the report into Transaction Mode and your Period would just be “today” or “yesterday” depending on how you set up your Transform column.
Just some thoughts!