How would you setup an export of a favorite to either a network folder or local folder on a schedule?
Right now we have a favorite being emailed to us on a schedule, then through Outlook we have set up a rule that runs a script to move the attachment to a folder once the email is received. Is there a better way to do this?
Interesting idea, but unlikely to be possible on the hosted platform as it is.
Potentially the only option would be for Phocas to develop a two way sync, pushing the data up to the cloud, and then pulling reports back again.
How would you know that the file you’re looking at is updated and why is the emailed version not enough?
Also, if the data is coming from your own ERP system, would an export from that system not be simpler? SQL Server Reporting Services or a SQL Stored Proceedure can automate an export of an excel file.
The outlook rule is probably the only solution in the short term.
Hello All,
I see no movement on this since 2020. I would be VERY interested in this also. Our ERP system is not the most user friendly and we rely on Phocas for the flexibility of reporting.
On a daily basis i need to extract a load of data from Phocas into our external marketing system. Currently the option of having to email the report and then have a vb script locate and save the attachment to a folder (which doesn’t always work) and then another FTP script run to pick up that file (if it saved) and import into the marketing system is a LOT of unnecessary steps and points of failure if I could simply save the file direct to a folder and the ftp do it’s bit it would be SO much simpler.