I am not sure if there is an alternative way to do this. What I am trying to achieve is track sales order created by hour in each day through a dashboard with other KPIs that will be based on hour periods. There is no way to achieve this through date in the database designer as the periods cannot be defined to hour breakdowns. Any suggestions? Is this something that Phocas has on the pipeline for development?
Assuming you have a time column that the order was created. I would suggest adding a custom column that extracts the hour from the time stamp. For my occasion I just used the “LEFT” expression. Select the time column and return the first two digits, in my case the hour.
I think Triston’s suggestion is a great starting point if you are looking to include Hour as a new property in your database that you can filter on!
If you were specifically looking for Hour to be used as a Period, then this would likely involve some further discovery with your Customer Success Consultant, as we would need to ensure there is data suitable for this Period Type. If you would like some additional information on Period Types, the following page is a good resource: https://helpphocassoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/userdoc/pages/590375/Period+types
I’m not aware of this being added into the Product, but can be sure to bring this up as a Suggestion.