AI Phocas Helper

I don’t know if Phocas is looking into this possibility, but there seems to be an opportunity out there for Phocas to plug into the advanced AI capabilities out there today to offer an AI chatbot to help people navigate the product. For example, I know the helpdesk software that we use in my company has an AI chatbot that can be enabled and gets trained on our internal Knowledge Base articles. That chatbot can then help users in our organization with any issues that we have existing articles addressing.

This could theoretically be done with a chatbot trained on Phocas’ extensive help documentation. I would imagine this could help both end users of the product, as well as administrators. Also, the more the help documentation gets built out, the smarter the chatbot would become.

Just a thought!


@tim.janes - You raise some excellent points on a very hot subject. We agree that there is amazing capability being created in this space. I assure you we are looking to know and understand how to best apply this new tech to raise the bar for service to our customers. I love seeing that our community is thinking the same way!


Would you mind sharing the name of the AI tool you are using with your helpdesk software? We are interested in doing something like that ourselves. Thanks in advance.


Hello @jchambers, thank you for your question - Ill connect with you directly. Cheers.