It would be great to allow more space for labels on the bullet chart and/or the option to display a legend.
Any examples or screenshots for what you’d like to see?
Hi Stuart,
Please see the example below.
On the left we have a column chart with up 10 characters displayed in the axis labels and a legend displayed. If we flipped it over to a bar chart (horizontal) it gives even more room for the labels (14 characters fit fine).
The bullet chart on the right has truncated the axis labels at 8 characters and there is no legend even though there is space for it. There is no option to flip horizontal to provide more space for the labels either.
Great example. I’ve raised the issue of the axis labels not fitting on another thread and was advised to untick any unecessary properties - e.g. only have the Code selected will format the best
However, I think you probably will want more explanation in the legend, so maybe some more flexibitily here would be useful - maybe an axis / legend specific option would be possible.
Additionally i think the axis space should expand automatically to accomodate the longest label, or again maybe have an option to expand or not depending on the formatting requirements.
Bullet’s are new so maybe features like adding a legend are to come later or it was assumed to be obvious what the columns were?
Yes, it would be good to have auto expand or make the max visible characters configurable.
At the very least I’d like to see it consistent with the column chart.
Thanks for the suggestion. Typically in Phocas we don’t provide a legend for ‘traffic light’ colours. Whether a bullet, gauge or summary chart, the red (bad), yellow (OK) and green (good) colours are thought to be understood. IN your screen shot above, the chart on the left does use those colours but not in a traffic light context, hence the legend is required., Do you find users need clarification here?
Hi Tim,
It is not the red/yellow/green that we need a legend for, but the dimension values. You can see that the labels are cut off much shorter than the column chart.
A related issue for legends in FireFox, where the legends does not show - not because of char limitations, but a bug with right side border cutting the legend texts:
In Chrome it looks much better and legends is almost shown fully. With the recent bullet-chart issue in Chrome, the problem in FF became more clear.
I would love to know what logic is behind the legend. Two charts that are the same size, but somehow, the word NEW gets chopped off but OLD does not, but much longer names in a different chart are fine. All this is in Google Chrome:
It would be really great if we could have an option to show legends under the chart instead of next to it: