Database Restrictions and Adding New Dimensions

There’s a big pain point I’ve ran into a number of times lately. It has to do with database restrictions and adding new fields in a database. Not sure if there’s an easier way to accomplish this or not.

We have a number of users with database restrictions in place. For instance, warehouse managers restricted to their warehouse, or territory managers restricted to their territory.

If we go in and change the design of a database - add a new dimension or measure for example, this new field is turned off by default for any user that already has a restriction in place. I then have to go to each user and edit their restrictions to turn on this new measure or dimension. This can become quite cumbersome.

Not sure of a solution, just wanted to point this out.


@aaron.roma Have you tried using Bulk Update under Admin->Users? Select multiple users, then go to “More” and “Bulk Update”. This makes it easy to change restrictions across multiple users at once. I came across this recently as we added new measures and properties, too.


I have tried it. The issue with that is that it blows away their existing restrictions. So while I can use the Bulk Update to add the new dimension to the users, they lose their restriction to their location/area/region, etc.

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Hi @aaron.roma. We currently have a couple of ideas to improve management of restrictions.

The first is to allow bulk adding of streams, measures, dimensions and properties to restrictions, similar to the bulk update approach.

The second is to allow administrators to specifically not restrict streams, measures, dimensions and properties so that any additions are always included.

Which do you think would best work for you?

In my specific case, the second option would work best. That’s only because I have not had many instances where I’ve needed to restrict a specific stream / measure / dimension from users.

Though I’d think the first option would offer more flexibility.

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Thanks for your response @aaron.roma. I’ll add some weight to the second option for you.