Future Period Setting

I have had to create a report for the business that starts in Jan 25 and has columns for each month up until December 2025. To achieve this I have had to ‘hard set’ each month, which means come 2026, I have to go through all the fields and change the year.
Could we have a facility to set future periods, that roll each year? So Jan 25, becomes Jan 26 etc?

If I’m not mistaken, it should be as simple as creating a new Defined Period in the database called ‘This Year’ and set it to use Months. Then the only thing you need to change each year is the year the period uses, and all the reports will reflect it.

Hope that helps.

Hello Peter,

Yufeng here. I’m a product designer at Phocas.

Here’s a setup you can use to always look at a range that starts from January this year and ends at the current month.

Now, the range is Jan 2025 to Feb 2025. When the current month moves forward, the end point will change. Next month, the range will become Jan 2025 to March 2025.

When 2026 arrives, the range will become Jan 2026 in Jan, and Jan 2026 to Feb 2026 in Feb, so on and so forth.

Let me know if it helps. You can contact me at yufeng.zhu@phocassoftware.com to chat a bit more if you want to.

Thanks Jordan, Yufeng, I did explore those options , but what I’m trying to do is lay the year out in front of me on a report, such that I have columns for Jan 25 to Dec 25.
But what I don’t want in is last years figures in. So as we sit here on Feb 11th, I would have Jan 25 with values, but Feb - Dec would all be zero columns, being filled in as the year progresses.
And then on top of that, ideally, I don’t have to re-visit every year… :slight_smile:

I think a feature like this would be useful, to have the equivalent of “most recent” as a “next”, so in this case Most Recent January to next December.
It would be useful if you had a data source for a rolling forecast where the prior months were actuals and remainder of the year is forecast to see a full year picture.

As a workaround I have used “Month” (without the year) to create a dimension e.g. Code 01, Description: Jan, 02 Feb and so on, and then used this in matrix mode to put months along the top and then use the period type of year (or a custom type of financial year if not calendar year) to filter for the current year.
Our FY is not calendar year so I have used the code to control the sequence, you could hide this. If you wanted you could include the year in this dimension as well.

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