Has anyone setup a report with all open purchase orders that are late?
We just have a generic list of Purchase orders run in Phocas and then export to excel to filter for overdue, would be good to see what others are doing in this space!
Why not look at creating a ‘PO Status’ dimension within your db, so long at the due date is available it would just be a simple case statement to create something like below:-
If you need further information drop your account manager an email.
I like that idea with the Status.
We have a report that runs from a feed to show due dates of outstanding orders, filtering for less than today would give a report showing those orders overdue.
Of course to get a dynamic report that shows historic performance would need the stream to supply the requested date, the revised due date and/or the actual arrival date. Working out the days early or late for each could then be shown in Phocas.