I am curious if anyone has tried selecting specific dates for a report instead of a date range. For example, I am wanting to select 5/14/24 and 5/17/24 but I don’t want to select 5/15/24 and 5/16/24.
I have some reports that I have to download the data to Excel, filter it and then do my calculations there. The range selection is great for most cases but would love to see a feature that allows you to select specific dates.
Hi @Triston ,
I know this is very late (would you believe work got in the way
)but may help you and others in the future!
What you are after is something I have had to use a few times. The best way to do this is by adding a date dimension to your database that way you are not restricted on a singular date range.
The challenge is period mode will want to show every date between two dates. In my example I want to see every January to compare against. I have 10 years of data, it would be 10 date ranges.
You could do this in Custom Mode, but can be challenging for light users, instead I created a dedicated date dimension set to month (yours would be day)
For example if I want every January since the begining of time, I can select it here:

Make sure you open the normal date range to show everything! I.e. 2001 to 2024
Then on the Month dimension I would select “01” (Jan) , I then matrix mode the calendar year and voila you now have every January as a grid:
I will warn you that this may make your DB build times explode so use with caution! But this give the end user flexibility to select specific dates/periods which are not adjacent to each other.
Hope this helps.
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